Travel Expenses
Location – Location – Location
Expert Selection – Every good attorney watches costs … But, can this end up costing you your case!
Every good attorney watches costs! It is part of due diligence and providing your client with the best possible service, equating to the best settlement. Expert selection is a very important part of client service and can mean a lot in the way your case turns out. (Have you ever wished you retained another expert, or even the one opposing counsel did?)
Experts are used to educate attorneys and jury members, as well as convince opposing counsel you have a stronger case and it is in their best interest to settle before going to trial. When selecting an expert such factors as location, subject matter expertise, litigation history, personality, and the ability to speak intelligently to a jury in layman terms (Will the jury like your expert?) are all taken into account.
The big question is: What order do you put these requirements in? If you are looking at immediate costs you will put location first, trying to keep travel costs down. But, will saving a little on upfront travel expenses cost you much more in settlement figures? Like lawyers and doctors, plumbers and electricians, experts are not all equal. There are good ones and not-so good ones. Part of due diligence is retaining the best expert for your case, considering the big picture all the way from educating you to jury perception and being able to explain their/your position in a friendly persuasive manner. Often times paying a little more for expert travel will end up paying big dividends in the end.